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Outapi Town Council Tenders 3124 views

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The pace of urban expansion in Namibia like in many other developing countries represents a major and permanent demographic shift in the population from rural to the city dwellers. Outapi Town’s growth in urban residents is taking place at a fast rate, understandably accompanied by development.
The topography of the Outapi area is characterized by an extremely flat area with a massive baobab, palm and marula trees. Outapi was declared as a town in 1997 and was proclaimed in 1998 as a capital and administrative centre of Omusati region. Even before independence in 1990, it has been a growing centre with a secondary school, a hospital, few numbers of shops and a couple of cuccashops. Outapi Town Council became autonomous in 2002.
It is located on the main road of Oshakati/Ruacana (C46) with another road connecting Outapi-Tsandi and Okahao respectively, thus has become the commercial and administrative hub for the whole region. Outapi has a population of 4577 inhabitants according to the 2005 population and housing census which was carried out by Outapi Town Council in cooperation with the National Planning Commission (NPC).

Mandate of the Outapi Town Council
The Outapi Town Council (OTC) is mandated to develop and provide municipal services in an efficient, effective and sustainable manner in partnership with various stakeholders.

Vision of the Outapi Town Council
To be a vibrant centre of excellence in service delivery with diverse opportunities, and to be a preferred destination for investors and visitors.

Mission of the Outapi Town Council
Outapi Town Council strives to provide quality and affordable services through enhanced institutional capacity and partnership towards sustainable socio-economic growth and development

Core Values of Outapi Town Council
The Town Council will be guided in its engagement with stakeholders and provision of service to its customers by the core values of customer-centered, accountability and transparency, integrity, passion, innovation and participation

Contact Us

Address:Erf 376, Outapi/Tsandi Main Road
Phone:+264 65 251191
FAX:+264 65 251128
Postal Add:P.O. Box 583, Outapi, Namibia
E-mail:[email protected]

Outapi Town Council Tenders has posted 6 tenders

Company Information
  • Total Tenders 6 Tenders
  • Address Outapi

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Office line: +264 81 4535 828
Email: [email protected]