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Agro-Marketing & Trade Agency Tenders 3446 views

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Vision 2030 commits the government to devise programmes and projects to ensure food security at both national and household level. In this regard, the development of state agronomic projects, the construction of silos, fresh produce business hubs and national food security are among the top priorities of government.

The need to consolidate various Government initiatives of enhancing food production and crop diversification, horticultural production and marketing, Fresh Produce Business Hubs (FPBHs), mahangu development, rice production, strategic food reserves infrastructure (silos), agro-marketing and value addition. This led to the creation of an Agro-Marketing and Trade Agency (AMTA).

To date, the country has seen relative development in the value chains of livestock, fish and cereal subsectors, where production, processing, marketing and distribution activities occur in the country with all associated economic benefits of employment creation, skills and technology development and transfer.

The development of the value chain of horticultural subsector has however lagged behind, so much so that the marketing and distribution activities of horticultural produce have to a large extend been driven from outside Namibia. This situation is not tenable, if we are to achieve the vision 2030 objective of industrialization, national and household food security, with improved nutrition. Fresh produce is particularly important for improved nutrition for our people.

AMTA is a newly established agency under the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry (MAWF) responsible for the management of Fresh Produce Business Hubs (FPBH) and National Strategic Food Reserve (NSFR) facilities, ensuring high quality standards to achieve food security.

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