Contact Number: +264 81 4535 828

PPS Insurance Namibia 791 views

Something About Company


You spent years and years studying, developing and building your skillset – a skill-set unique to you and an earning potential that is irreplaceable. At PPS, we understand this. That is why we have a product that is as specialised as your vocation, allowing you to create your own, distinct risk insurance package to insure your most valuable asset – yourself. After all, your skill-set is unique and your risk insurance should be too. Not only will you have world-class benefits; you can also share in the profits and investment returns of PPS via the PPS Profit-Share Account. Share in the success of the largest multidisciplinary group of graduate professionals in Southern Africa – over 200 000 members.

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Company Information
  • Total Tenders 0 Tenders
  • Address Windhoek

About Us

Unified Tender Solutions is your go-to platform for all tender-related needs. We provide a comprehensive online database of all tenders advertised in the country, searching through newspapers, websites, and social media to notify you of relevant opportunities. Beyond tender alerts, we offer bid results, training, and expert consultation services to ensure you are informed and prepared for success.

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Office line: +264 81 4535 828
Email: admin@unifiedtenders.com