Local and Major Developments
Local Economical Development: The Town which is strategically located at the centre is known by the name Oshakati shaNangombe, the town caters for the four northern regions and other neighbouring regions such as Kavango, Caprivi and Kunene.
Major Development in the Town
- Three shopping complexes – Game, Etango and Yetu Shopping centres respectively.
- Magistrate and High Court.
- Financial institutions – First National Bank Namibia, Standard Bank.
- Namibia, Bank Windhoek, Ned Bank Namibia and the regional Central bank – Bank of Namibia.
- Government institutions – different ministries.
- State Owned Enterprises – NBC,Road Authority, Social Security.
- Commission, GIPF, NHE amongst others.
- The town has the intermediate State Hospital – Oshakati.
- Intermediate Hospital which is referral hospital for the northern regions.
Capital Projects Under Construction in the Current Financial Year
- Paving of roads
- New Open market
- Construction Services – Water, Sewage and electricity in different locations / area
- Maintenance of old sewage systems in Oshakati East and west area
- Surveying and location design for high income area (housing development project)
- Expansion of the town boundaries
- Continuous servicing of land
- Creation of a reception area
- Building houses
- Upgrading of Mandume Ndemufayo Road (MR120)
- Establishment of new townships
- Establishment of recreation parks around town
- Upgrading of identified municipal infrastructure
- Rehabilitation of Kandjengedi Bridge