Contact Number: +264 81 4535 828

Ongenga Technical College 908 views

Something About Company

Ongenga Technical College is a vocational training college located in Ongenga Industrial Park in the northern part of Namibia offerings modern cutting edge training coupled with practical skills and practical training models.


To be the pioneer of nurturing the masters of value addition that enhances local economic growth and community development.


We are in business to train and produce masters of value addition that will harness community development, enhance employability, entrepreneurship, and innovation, by providing modernized innovative vocational training to realize national economic development.

Skills Development: We view our community as lagging behind in technical areas that are of national priority towards attaining vision 2030, we, therefore, value skills development through providing vocational hands-on skills for our active and able-bodied youngsters to enhance economic and community development.

Entrepreneurship: We value entrepreneurship as the key instrument towards poverty alleviation and employment creation amongst all community members.

Community Development: Through skills development and entrepreneurship, we are convinced that these will enable our community members to lift themselves and others up, by creating opportunities that will empower every member within and outside our community, through small investments in corporate social development and family support.



Email: info@ongenga.com

Tel:+264 81 332 4800

Fax: +264 81 294 6126

Ongenga Industrial Park, Omafo – Okalogo Road, Ohangwena Region

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