Contact Number: +264 81 4535 828

OMDis Town Transform Agency (“OMDis”) 623 views

Something About Company

OMDis Town Transform Agency (“OMDis”) is a Section 21 Company, or Special Purpose Vehicle. Its sole purpose is to proactively accelerate Town Transformation – the economic diversification of Oranjemund – to ensure the town’s sustainability by 2030 and beyond.

Diversification of a remote, single industry-led town does not happen organically.

OMDis Town Transform Agency (“OMDis”) is a Section 21 Company, or Special Purpose Vehicle. Its sole purpose is to proactively accelerate Town Transformation – the economic diversification of Oranjemund – to ensure the town’s sustainability by 2030 and beyond.

It serves this purpose alongside the efforts of other Town Transformation
stakeholders. OMDis’ focus areas are:

  • Support existing businesses to become more sustainable
  • Develop new SMEs and a culture of entrepreneurship
  • Create new large industry platforms that can support the economy alongside or instead of mining

Governed by a Board, OMDis’ small team of business developers is led by a General Manger. The team’s core activities include: Economic research, industry and business case development, funding and investment facilitation, SME development and business skills and entrepreneurship training.



Tel:+264 63 234 344

Email: info@omdis.co

P.O Box 903, Oranjemund, Namibia

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