Ohangwena is one of the fourteen regions of Namibia, its capital is Eenhana. The northern and western parts of the region are the most densely populated of this essentially subsistence agricultural region in which small scale mahangu cultivation and the keeping of cattle form the predominant activities. Although the region depends on rain fed agriculture, other crops can be established under intensive cultivation.
The main settlements in the region straddle the good paved road from the Angolan border to Ondangwa, where it joins the Oshakati–Tsumeb trunk road. The eastern part of the region possesses good grazing land, but the shortage of water and poor communications render it uninhabitable at present. There is a tarred road from Onhuno to Okongo that was recently completed, it is thought to greatly increase the area’s agricultural potential.
In the north, Ohangwena borders Angola: the Cunene Province, except for a small border with Cuando Cubango Province in the far northeast. Domestically, it borders the following regions:
It is traversed by the northwesterly line of equal latitude and longitude.
The region comprises twelve constituencies:
- Eenhana
- Endola
- Engela
- Epembe
- Ohangwena
- Okongo
- Omulonga
- Omundaungilo
- Ondobe
- Ongenga
- Oshikango
- Oshikunde (created in 2013)
Chief Regional Officer
Mr. Filippus H. Shilongo
Email: [email protected]
Governor: Hon. Usko Nghaamwa
Chairperson: @ohangwenarc.gov.na
Tell: 065-264300/315
Fax: 065-263033
Private Bag 88011
Physical Address: Tobias Hainyeko Street