Contact Number: +264 81 4535 828

National Heritage Council of Namibia(NHC) 1707 views

Something About Company

The Institution has been in existence since 2005 when it replaced the National Monuments Council. It is the national administrative body responsible for the protection of Namibia’s natural and cultural heritage.

Vision: To reconcile cultures and share the benefits of Namibia’s heritage and growth in our diverse cultural identities.
Mission: To identify, protect and manage the natural and cultural heritage of Namibia.

Appreciation of the past
Making every action count
Desire for a common future
Respect for differences
Service Excellence



Tel: +264 – 61 – 244 375
Email: info@nhc-nam.org
Working hours: 8am – 5 pm Monday / Friday

Company Information
  • Total Tenders 1 Tenders
  • Address Windhoek

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Email: admin@unifiedtenders.com