The Namibia Water Corporation Ltd (NamWater) was officially registered as a company on 9 December 1997. It is a commercial entity supplying water in bulk to industries, municipalities and the Directorate of Rural Water Supply in the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry. The latter supplies water to rural communities.
The Namibian Government is the sole shareholder, represented by the Minister of Agriculture, Water and Forestry who appoints the Board of Directors to ensure the efficient resource utilisation. Even though the company strives to recover the full cost of water supply, NamWater is committed to providing its customers with a reliable source of quality water at the lowest possible rates.
Our Mission
We shall provide quality water and related services to the satisfaction of all stakeholders, taking cognisance of the environment, scarcity of and dependency of all on water.
Our Vision
We shall be recognised as a company of excellence in the water industry by both local and international standards by 2013.
Our Values
- Service and Quality
- Human Dignity
- Growth
- Accountability
- Value Adding Orientation
- Integrity
Private Bag 13389, Windhoek , Namibia
Tel: +264 61 71 0000
Fax: +264 61 71 3000