Higher education in Namibia started around 1979/80. Prior to this, all students wishing to pursue higher education had to study abroad or through distance education.
The Namibia University of Science and Technology, a public university, has its roots in the establishment of the Academy for Tertiary Education (Act No. 13 of 1980). Classes in Teacher Training and Secretarial Courses started on 14 January 1980.
Five years later, Act No. 9 of 1985 was promulgated and, by it, the Academy – consisting of a university component, a Technikon and a College for Out of School Training (COST) – was established.
The former “City Campus” (former Academy) became the main campus of the Polytechnic under its founding Rector, Dr Tjama Tjivikua, who was appointed on 04 August 1995. The first meeting of Council was held on 10 August 1995. These events accelerated and completed the de-linkage of the two institutions of higher education in December 1995. Thus, with effect from 01 January 1996, the Polytechnic became independent and autonomous.
The University’s governing structure comprises the Council (supreme policy-making body), Senate and a Students’ Representative Council. The Vice-Chancellor is supported primarily by a Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic, Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Administration and Finance, a Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research & Innovation, and a Registrar.
Private Bag 13388 Windhoek,
Tel: +264-61-207-9111