Contact Number: +264 81 4535 828

Namibia Nature Foundation (NNF) 849 views

Something About Company

The Namibia Nature Foundation (NNF) is Namibia’s leading, conservation and sustainable development, non-governmental organisation (NGO), contributing to a wide range of programmes through our core technical specialisms and expertise in financial and project management. The NNF promotes sustainable development, the conservation of biological diversity and natural ecosystems, and the wise and ethical use of natural resources for the benefit of all Namibian’s both present and future.

The NNF envisages a sustainable Namibia both in terms of its people and the land upon which it develops. We value working together, professionalism, individual’s worthiness, trust-given and received-, respect, enjoyment/fulfilment and the wonders of nature .

Vision: “An equitable informed society living in harmony with natural and sustained, physically and mentally, by the natural richness of our environment”

Mission: “To promote sustainable development, the conservation of biological diversity and natural ecosystems, and the wise and  ethical use of natural resources for the benefit of all Namibian’s both present and future”


The NNF actively participates in key local, regional, national and global processes and contributes to environmental and sustainability solutions primarily within Namibia but also beyond our borders.


Tel.: 264 (0)61 248345

Email: info@nnf.org.na

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  • Total Tenders 0 Tenders
  • Address Windhoek

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