Contact Number: +264 81 4535 828

Namibia Investments Promotion and Development Board 873 views

Something About Company
NIPDB is mandated to promote and facilitate local and foreign investments, as well as new ventures to contribute to economic development and job creation.
Namibian Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDP) is a non-profit association incorporated under section 21, and is established as an autonomous entity in the Presidency and pronounced as a Public Enterprise in accordance with Section 2 of the Public Enterprises Governance Act, 2019 (Act No. 1 of 2019).
NIPDB is mandated to promote and facilitate investment by foreign and Namibian investors as well as new ventures to contribute to economic development and job creation;
Furthermore, NIPDB is tasked to implement the Namibia Investment Policy and attendant Strategy amongst others.
061 283 7317

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Company Information
  • Total Tenders 0 Tenders
  • Address Windhoek

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