The Namibia Development Corporation (NDC) was established under the Namibia Development Corporation Act, Act 18 of 1993. The Government of the Republic of Namibia has a 100% shareholding in the NDC, but the Corporation is controlled by an autonomous Board of Directors. The Board consists of 12 (twelve) members; 7 (seven) who are elected from the private sector and 5 (five) of whom represent the Government.
Mission: The NDC promotes, develops and supports economic growth and development.
Vision: To create wealth for the Namibian nation to prosper.
- Service Excellence
- Teamwork
- Integrity
- Innovation
Private Bag 13252
Tel: 061-206 2111
Fax: 061-233943
Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday 07:30 – 16:30 p.m.
Closed Saturday and Sunday