Contact Number: +264 81 4535 828

NAMCOL 4796 views

Something About Company

NAMCOL is a State Owned Educational institution created by an Act of Parliament (Act 1 of 1997) to provide learning opportunities for adults and out-of-school youth.

In November 1994, NAMCOL was initially established as a directorate within the then Ministry of Basic Education and Culture (MBEC).

This transition period was completed on 1st April 1998, when the newly-established institution took over responsibility for all continuing education programmes formerly administered by the MBEC.

NAMCOL is an autonomous institution, directed by a Board of Governors appointed by the Minister of Education Arts and Culture. At the helm of the management is a Director, assisted by four Deputy Directors, four Regional Managers and Middle Management.

Vision: We strive to be a world-class institution of excellence, accessible to all, with a committed professional staff, educating people through an innovative range of ODL programmes, and providing quality services in a sustainable manner.

Mission: We are committed to providing wider access to quality educational services for our learners and other customers, using a variety of open learning methods.



Support Services (SS)
Tel: 061-320 5111
Email: alberts@namcol.edu.na
Resource Centre
Tel: 061-320 5271
Fax: 061-216 987
Fax2mail: 0886 207 22
Office of the Director
Telephone : + 264 61 320 5111
Fax : + 264 61 216 987
Website: http//www.namcol.edu.na

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