Contact Number: +264 81 4535 828

Municipality of Okahandja 4086 views

Something About Company

We believe there are basic elements for all citizens, the business community and visitors must enjoy: . Ease of movement in the Municipality; . A safe environment in all parts of the municipal area; . Access to economic opportunities; . Resources to afford what the Municipality offers; . A clean and green Municipality, capable of delivering a range of ecosystem goods and services; Homely neighborhoods; . Access to services, in particular municipal, health and education services.

Among the many businesses in Okahandja there are four 24hr petrol stations, two pharmacies,  known food chain stores, vehicle and tyre repairs, doctor’s rooms, a hospital and numerous restaurants.

All the major banks in the town have 24hr ATM services.  So whether it’s an item of clothing, shoes, books, hardware or computer services you require, this small town will cater to your needs.



Phone : +264 62 505100

Fire Force: +264 062 505100 –

After hours +264 812849179 / +264 812510222

Municipality of Okahandja has posted 8 tenders

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