Contact Number: +264 81 4535 828

Municipal Council of Henties Bay 3969 views

Something About Company

Henties Bay has diverse tourist destinations and activities; angling, sunset views, hammocks, 4×4 drives, ship wrecks, golfing etc.Our economy boasts multiple revenue generated from Tourism, Angling Sporting, Agriculture, Fishing, Accommodation etc.

The Municipality aims to improve under-developed settlement areas with basic services such as sanitation, water, sewerage, roads and streets.


Mayor:  Cllr (Ms) Aila Haufiku
e-mail – ailaekandjo2@gmail.com

E-mail enquiries: Cornel.deVilliers@hbaymun.com.na

Tel:+264 64 502 000
Fax:+264 64 502 001

Chairman: Management Comittee: Cllr Michael Skini
e-mail:  michaelskini@gmail.com

Additional Member: Management Committee
Cllr (Ms) Gisela Cramer
e-mail:  gilacramer@iway.na

Procurement: Mr. Desmond
e-mail:  Exec.infrastructure@hbaymun.com.na 

Municipal Council of Henties Bay has posted 6 tenders

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