In april 2008, H.E. the President established the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) by merging the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and the Communication section from the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication. The Ministry of ICT is responsible for the Information Technology, Telecommunications, Broadcasting, media and postal sectors in Namibia.
Our Mandate
The mandate of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Namibia, is to: Lay the foundation for the accelerated use and development of ICT in Namibia, and Coordinate information management within Government.
Our MissionÂ
To develop and promote ICT growth and render effective information services to the Namibian society.
Our Vision
To be world class institution in creating an inclusive information society.
Core Values
Openly, timely and accurately provide government information services to our customers.
Dealing honestly and fairly with customers and provide services in a professional manner.
Accepting our responsibilities and consequences for our action/ inaction.
Using ICTs creatively as an enabler for service delivery.
• Ensure development of modern and reliable ICT infrastructure and services
• Improve the understanding of GRN programmes and policies
• Ensure the free flow and access to information to community and media
• Market Namibia as a preferred film and investment destination
• Ensure an enabling environment and high performance culture
MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY. Private Bag 13344. Tel: (+ 264 61) 283. 9111. WINDHOEK. Fax: (+ 264 61). 222343.