The Law Society of Namibia (LSN) is a self-regulating body created in terms of the Legal Practitioners Act (1995) which serves the profession and the public by promoting justice, protecting the independence of the judiciary and upholding the Rule of Law.
The LSN has a number of objectives articulated in section 41 of the Legal Practitioners Act, 1995. The objectives include:
- To maintain and enhance the standards of conduct and integrity of all members of the legal profession;
- To present the view of the legal profession;
- To further the development of law as an instrument of social engineering and social justice;
- To encourage and promote efficiency in and responsibility in relation to the profession;
- To promote the education of lawyers at all stages and levels, with particular emphasis on the broadening of such education;
- To make recommendations to interested parties in relation to the training of lawyers;
- To define and enforce correct and uniform practice and discipline among members;
- To give all necessary assistance to the effective implementation of any legal aid scheme established and governed under any law;
- To promote social intercourse among members;
- To consider and deal with all matters affecting the professional interest of members;
- To cooperate with the representative bodies of other professional bodies;
- To promote applied research in the development of the law and participate in the reform of law by the Government and other agencies;
- To seek the enhancement of the rule of law and promote the protection of Human Rights; and
- To represent, protect and assist members with regards to their conditions of practice and related matters
PO Box 714