Contact Number: +264 81 4535 828

Eenhana Town Council 6215 views

Something About Company

Is the capital town of the Ohangwena Region, northern Namibia, on the border with Angola. It also used to be a mission station of the Finnish Missionary Society.

Eenhana is situated in a subtropical forest. It is connected to the road network and has a well-developed infrastructure. Due to the proximity of Angola, many businesses are situated here. The town hosts an annual trade fair.

The name Eenhana comes from the word calves in Oshikwanyama and is a reference to the calves that used to water at the small water pan where Eenhana is now located.[2]


Private Bag 88007
Tel +264 (0)65 29 0600
Fax +264 (0)65 26 3068

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  • Total Tenders 0 Tenders
  • Address Eenhana

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