The Agricultural Business Development Agency (AGRIBUSDEV), a Section 21 company, was established on the 3rd of November 2011 in terms of the companies Act, Act 2004. As a State-owned company, its objective is to monitor and to create an ideal environment for achieving the objectives of the Green Scheme as circumscribed by the Green Scheme Policy of 2008.
AGRIBUSDEV is therefore involved at this time with eleven (11) Green Scheme Projects established by Government. The projects are operated and managed in terms of specific farming models out- lined in the Green Scheme Policy document and executed within the parameters of the Agronomic Industry Act (Act 20 of 1992).
A self sustaining food growing Namibia, feeding her nation and beyond
We facilitate sustainable growth of agronomic production through creative partnership, building capacity and improved technology and information management.
TeamWork | We work together to achieve a common goal and hold ourselves accountable. |
Integrity | We maintain the highest standards of ethical behaviour in our interaction with stakeholders. |
Transparency | We maintain openness in executing our programmes and activities. |
Accountability | We remain answerable for our actions to our shareholder in managing entrusted resources. |
Sustainability | We strive towards continuous delivery of service without compromising the environment and eco-system. |
Passion | We have a great desire in carrying out our mandate. |
Box 41006, Ausspanplatz, Windhoek
Erf 3507 Van der Bijl Street Windhoek, Namibia
Tel: +264 61 424 800 Fax: +264 61 424 801