Contact Number: +264 81 4535 828

Client Feedback Form

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    Have you submitted bids for any tenders you found on the platform? (required)

    If yes, how many tenders have you submitted bids for?

    Out of the bids you've submitted, how many have you won?

    Have you noticed an increase in the number of tenders won since joining the platform?

    Employee count before and after joining the platform:

    Feedback on Our Service (required)

    About Us

    Unified Tender Solutions is your go-to platform for all tender-related needs. We provide a comprehensive online database of all tenders advertised in the country, searching through newspapers, websites, and social media to notify you of relevant opportunities. Beyond tender alerts, we offer bid results, training, and expert consultation services to ensure you are informed and prepared for success.

    Featured Partner


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    Office line: +264 81 4535 828
    Email: admin@unifiedtenders.com